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Beliebte Inhalte

Inhalte mit der höchsten Reputation am 18.12.2023 in allen Bereichen anzeigen

  1. I'll be with you I swear its true Believe in me, That your feelings running through Oh, talk to me Reality... And dream comes true In the c'est la vie with you I just wanna know if you stay or go let your feelings shown all around the world And when you close your eyes, Your mind is gonna fly, Time is running fast But I am wanderlust Keep your love alive... Let your feelings fly Into the world you want With the one you want... Wish a single chance Does make any sense Don't be afraid to waste When your dreams standing by I just wanna know if you stay or go let your feelings shown all around the world And when you close your eyes, Your mind is gonna fly, Time is running fast But I am wanderlust [ x2 ]
    4 Punkte
  2. Colorful 2/10 Suoni Del Sole 5/10 Goodbye Bonsoire 9/10 I'll Be with You 2/10 Fly in to the Night 8/10 Tuki Tuki 1/10 Words of Love 6/10 I Can See 4/10 My Dreams 4/10 Far West 9/10 Lentanova 5/10 Amor Valiente 6/10 Mente Caminando 6/10 Sole Nuvoloso 9/10 Around Down 6/10 Fisafonica 8/10 Intorno 6/10 Stelle 4/10 Fiero Pensiero 5/10 Giramondo 8/10 Bella Stagione 6/10 Domani 7/10 I don't understand Gigi. He has more than 1000 unreleased music and he doesn't publish the good ones, he publishes Luca Noise's modern (Because Luca's work was much better 15 years ago) projects. It was a completely reckless move. It can be seen from YouTube views and comments that smoderanza 2 is doing poorly. Maybe Gigi will come to her senses and at least upload the demodag songs for free or there will be a more serious album of old super music.
    2 Punkte
  3. Wie genau er auf diesen Namen kam, weiß ich auch nicht, aber soweit ich es beobachtet habe, hat er seine Pseudonyme passend angeglichen (man findet sie meistens nur in diesen Kombis): für langsame Undergroundtitel: LENTO VIOLENTO <--> ASTRO MUSICO für monotone Titel teils auch aus alten Zeiten: GIGI NOISE MAKER <--> NOETICA TRIP Verkürzung des Namens: GIGI DAG <--> LUC ON
    1 Punkt
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