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Inhalte mit der höchsten Reputation am 11.05.2016 in allen Bereichen anzeigen

  1. Nice :) I already sent him the link to our tracklist a few weeks ago and he said that he will have a look. But then I didn't hear anything from him ^^ I wasn't sure about Nostalgia, if it was just a long version. But he already played it in the last show of 2015. For Blaue Moschee I write Spaghetti Trip - Blaue Moschee [Spaghetti Bootleg], that's how it was published here: https://www.facebook.com/spaghettitrip/videos/10201621022401059/ ID (#3-4) is changed to Dumpa. That explains his comment on FB when the song was played... :) And I keep the mixnames of Se Telefonando and In And Out Of Love.
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