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Inhalte mit der höchsten Reputation am 27.12.2015 in allen Bereichen anzeigen

  1. mr. dendo äußert sich kurz zu gigi...: Jerremy Smith vor 2 Monaten this morning i'm listening your's third song, i remember, that first time i've listened them in il cammino di GGDAG, thought to myself, that it is unbelieveable beautifull, that melodies, i thought that GGDAG is the best melodycreator in the world. Now i know, that it is your work. I feel so happy, that i know names of that melodies to listen them repeately, but in the same time so sad, because my god, GGDAG just played your songs and :( you know Antworten · 1 Mr Dendo vor 2 Monaten +Jerremy Smith Hi Jer! There are so many beautiful melodies created by Gigi, like "Sentirsi Cosi" ! However Thanks for this post! If you like my music, you should know that i'm starting a radio show! Enjoy http://www.facebook.com/mrdendo
    1 Punkt
  2. Nun, Media Records wurde ja vor kurzem von Gianfranco Bortolotti einem Neustart unterzogen. Mal schauen. ;)
    1 Punkt
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