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Inhalte mit der höchsten Reputation am 31.10.2013 in allen Bereichen anzeigen

  1. Hi all GFU members! I created a brand new Android app which makes possible to retrieve the current list of Gigi D'Agostino lives from the official page quickly. Download: REMOVED because of copyright claims by Mr. Gigi D'Agostino Supported Android OS: >= 2.3.3 (Gingerbread or newer) Features: Retrieve the list of tourdates / lives with the speed of light (discoteca, city, country, date) Multilingual GUI (English, Hungarian - hopefully more to come soon... :)) Ability to save the lives you'd like to be on / you were present on Random images of the maestro when clicking on a live (20 images atm) Calculate the days until an event / since the end of live Click on an item in the list for detailed informations ... more to come soon! ;) (e.g. online distance measurement, saving of the livelist, etc) Changelog: [10-12-2013] GigiDAG Live for Android 2.1 * Change: made all data scrollable inside Live Details * Fixed: added a mechanism to handle live datas with different separator sets * Fixed: extremely rare unicode characters could show up as question marks in the list * Fixed: an issue that could cause incorrect date in the live list in special cases * Fixed: the name of the disco could be retrieved incorrectly when it contained newline chars * Fixed: some other stability-related bugfixes [09-12-2013] GigiDAG Live for Android 2.0 * New: changed logo to a new one * Fixed: a date conversion bug that caused crash * Fixed: some minor issues [03-11-2013] GigiDAG Live for Android 1.3 * New: brand new transparent flag icons * New: show the state of a live event with an orange MON in the flag logo (in case the user attends to go to it) * Fixed: day difference between the events and the current date wasn't accurate * Fixed: localized country name wasn't correct in all cases Hope you like it - feature requests, suggestions & bug reports are very welcome!
    1 Punkt
  2. Ok, DJ Maldestra! Wir treffen uns ab 20:00 Uhr in der Pizzeria " da Angelo" in der Nähe des Inselzoos Adresse: August-Bebel-Straße 16/17, 04600 Altenburg Gästeliste: Brian (3x) Andrea (2x) Maldestra (3x) Sotto Wally Shadow (2x) Gute Reise an alle! Bis dann!
    1 Punkt
  3. Wir kommen aus Leipzig (im Auto wäre theoretisch auch noch ein Platz frei) und sind ungefähr 21:00/21:30 Uhr in Altenburg :-) Vielleicht sieht man sich dort- wäre schön :-) Es ist noch ein Ticket für 15 Euro zu vergeben. Wer sich also das Risiko an der Abendkasse nicht geben will, bzw. 15 statt 18 Euro bezahlen möchte- einfach per PM bei mir melden ;-) Juhu, das wird richtig geil morgen :-)
    1 Punkt
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